The purpose of this page is to guide new users through Trifolia-on-FHIR:

  1. Create account and Login
  2. Select FHIR Release version (gear icon in top right)
  3. Create new Implementation Guide
    • Option A: Create IG from scratch. Navigate to Browse Implementation Guides >  click the "plus" + button at top IG list/table.
    • Option B: Import IG from a file. Import IG.xml from your computer ("Import" button at top and either drag-and-drop the IG.xml file into the "Files" tab or copy/paste the contents of IG.xml into the second tab).
  1. Modify IG. Be sure to always Save (bottom left)

NOTE: When creating and ordering pages, you can only pivot a page's position with pages that are siblings with one another.  Pages that are children of the page you're trying to move or children of a page that's not the parent of the page being moved can not be swapped.

  1. Create/import additional templates/profiles
    • Option A: Create Profile from scratch. Navigate to Browse Templates/Profiles > click the "plus" + button at top of Profile list/table.
    • Option B: Import profiles from directories on computer
  1. Modify and constrain the templates/profiles to use case
  2. Resolve all Validation errors and warnings on Validation (tab) within each profile 
  3. Export selected IG package. Suggested settings for initial export:
    1. Export Format: HTML (IG publisher) 
    2. Run the IG Publisher: Yes
    3. Run the latest version of the IG Publisher: No
    4. Use terminology server: Yes/No (Suggest No if IG uses large standard codesets)
      Selecting Yes will verify applicable value sets and code systems externally
    5. Download: Yes
    6. Output format: XML
  4. Confirm build logs against CI-publisher on Zulip > Notifications