BSeR: Bidirectional Services_eReferral
2.0.0-connectathon - CI Build United States of America flag

BSeR: Bidirectional Services_eReferral - Local Development build (v2.0.0-connectathon). See the Directory of published versions

Example RelatedPerson: RelatedPerson - Eve Everywoman - Self

Generated Narrative: RelatedPerson

Resource RelatedPerson "relatedperson-self-eve-everywoman" Version "3" Updated "2023-03-31 04:47:04+0000"

Information Source: #9hhogsrxCtKGcxTT!

identifier: Social Security number: 444222222

active: true

patient: Patient/patient-us-core-patient-eve-everywoman: Eve Everywoman " EVERYWOMAN"

relationship: oneself (RoleCode#ONESELF "self")

name: Eve L Everywoman

telecom: ph: 1-(404)555-1212(HOME),

gender: female

birthDate: 1974-11-24

address: 5101 Peachtree St NE Atlanta GA 30302 US