Consolidated CDA Release 2.2
2.2 - CI Build Unknown state code 'US'

Consolidated CDA Release 2.2 - Local Development build (v2.2). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Document Templates

Document-level templates describe the purpose and rules for constructing a conforming CDA document. Document templates include constraints on the CDA header and indicate contained section-level templates. Each document-level template contains the following information: * Scope and intended use of the document type * Description and explanatory narrative * Template metadata (e.g., templateId) * Header constraints (e.g., document type, template id, participants) * Required and optional section-level templates

Continuity of Care Document (CCD)
Referral Note
Transfer Summary
Unstructured Document
US Realm Header
Care Plan (V2)
History and Physical (V3)
Consultation Note (V3)
Diagnostic Imaging Report (V3)
Procedure Note
Progress Note (V3)
Operative Note (V3)
Discharge Summary (V3)

Section Templates

This chapter contains the section-level templates referenced by one or more of the document types of this consolidated guide. These templates describe the purpose of each section and the section-level constraints. Section-level templates are always included in a document. One and only one of each section type is allowed in a given document instance. Please see the document context tables to determine the sections that are contained in a given document type. Please see the conformance verb in the conformance statements to determine if it is required (SHALL), strongly recommended (SHOULD), or optional (MAY). Each section-level template contains the following: * Template metadata (e.g., templateId, etc.) * Description and explanatory narrative * LOINC section code * Section title * Requirements for a text element * Entry-level template names and Ids for referenced templates (required and optional) Narrative Text The text element within the section stores the narrative to be rendered, as described in the CDA R2 specification, and is referred to as the CDA narrative block. The content model of the CDA narrative block schema is handcrafted to meet requirements of human readability and rendering. The schema is registered as a MIME type (text/x-hl7-text+xml), which is the fixed media type for the text element. As noted in the CDA R2 specification, the document originator is responsible for ensuring that the narrative block contains the complete, human readable, attested content of the section. Structured entries support computer processing and computation and are not a replacement for the attestable, human-readable content of the CDA narrative block. The special case of structured entries with an entry relationship of “DRIV” (is derived from) indicates to the receiving application that the source of the narrative block is the structured entries, and that the contents of the two are clinically equivalent. As for all CDA documents—even when a report consisting entirely of structured entries is transformed into CDA—the encoding application must ensure that the authenticated content (narrative plus multimedia) is a faithful and complete rendering of the clinical content of the structured source data. As a general guideline, a generated narrative block should include the same human readable content that would be available to users viewing that content in the originating system. Although content formatting in the narrative block need not be identical to that in the originating system, the narrative block should use elements from the CDA narrative block schema to provide sufficient formatting to support human readability when rendered according to the rules defined in Section Narrative Block (§ 4.3.5 ) of the CDA R2 specification. HL7 CDA R2.1 IG: Consolidated CDA Templates for Clinical Note (US Realm), DSTU R2—Vol. 2: Templates Page 251 August 2015 © 2015 Health Level Seven, Inc. All rights reserved. By definition, a receiving application cannot assume that all clinical content in a section (i.e., in the narrative block and multimedia) is contained in the structured entries unless the entries in the section have an entry relationship of “DRIV”. Additional specification information for the CDA narrative block can be found in the CDA R2 specification in sections 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2,, and 6.

Advance Directives Section (entries optional)
Allergies and Intolerances Section (entries optional)
Allergies and Intolerances Section (entries required)
Immunizations Section (entries optional)
Immunizations Section (entries required)
Medications Section (entries optional)
Medications Section (entries required)
Plan of Treatment Section
Problem Section (entries optional)
Problem Section (entries required)
Results Section (entries optional)
Results Section (entries required)
Vital Signs Section (entries optional)
Vital Signs Section (entries required)
Procedures Section (entries optional)
Procedures Section (entries required)
Social History Section
Encounters Section (entries optional)
Encounters Section (entries required)
Family History Section
Interventions Section
Functional Status Section
Medical Equipment Section
Anesthesia Section
Mental Status Section
Payers Section
Nutrition Section
Course of Care Section
Admission Diagnosis Section
Admission Medications Section (entries optional)
Discharge Diagnosis Section
History of Present Illness Section
Review of Systems Section
Physical Exam Section
Assessment Section
Assessment and Plan Section
Past Medical History
General Status Section
Reason for Referral Section
Advance Directives Section (entries required)
Chief Complaint Section
Hospital Discharge Physical Section
Discharge Diet Section (DEPRECATED)
Hospital Course Section
Authorization Activity
Procedure Disposition Section
Procedure Estimated Blood Loss Section
Objective Section
Subjective Section
Chief Complaint and Reason for Visit Section
Instructions Section (V2)
Reason for Visit Section
Findings Section (DIR)
DICOM Object Catalog Section - DCM 121181
Complications Section (V3)
Procedure Description Section
Procedure Indications Section (V2)
Postprocedure Diagnosis Section (V3)
Medical (General) History Section
Medications Administered Section (V2)
Planned Procedure Section (V2)
Procedure Findings Section (V3)
Procedure Implants Section
Procedure Specimens Taken Section
Preoperative Diagnosis Section (V3)
Postoperative Diagnosis Section
Operative Note Fluids Section
Operative Note Surgical Procedure Section
Surgical Drains Section
Health Concerns Section (V2)
Goals Section
Health Status Evaluations and Outcomes Section
Discharge Medications Section (entries optional) (V3)
Discharge Medications Section (entries required) (V3)
Hospital Consultations Section
Hospital Discharge Instructions Section
Hospital Discharge Studies Summary Section
Implants Section (DEPRECATED)
Surgery Description Section (DEPRECATED)

Entry Templates

This chapter describes the clinical statement entry templates used within the sections of the document types of this consolidated guide. Entry templates contain constraints that are required for conformance. Entry-level templates are always in sections. Each entry-level template description contains the following information: * Key template metadata (e.g., template identifier, etc.) * Description and explanatory narrative. * Required CDA acts, participants and vocabularies. * Optional CDA acts, participants and vocabularies. Several entry-level templates require an effectiveTime: The effectiveTime of an observation is the time interval over which the observation is known to be true. The low and high values should be as precise as possible, but no more precise than known. While CDA has multiple mechanisms to record this time interval (e.g., by low and high values, low and width, high and width, or center point and width), this guide constrains most to use only the low/high form. The low value is the earliest point for which the condition is known to have existed. The high value, when present, indicates the time at which the observation was no longer known to be true. The full description of effectiveTime and time intervals is contained in the CDA R2 normative edition. Provenance in entry templates: In this version of Consolidated CDA (C-CDA), we have added a “SHOULD” Author constraint on several entry-level templates. Authorship and Author timestamps must be explicitly asserted in these cases, unless the values propagated from the document header hold true. ID in entry templates: Entry-level templates may also describe an id element, which is an identifier for that entry. This id may be referenced within the document, or by the system receiving the document. The id assigned must be globally unique.

Advance Directive Observation
Advance Directive Organizer
Age Observation
Allergy - Intolerance Observation
Allergy Concern Act
Allergy Status Observation
Criticality Observation
Drug Monitoring Act
Drug Vehicle
Entry Reference
External Document Reference
Goal Observation
Health Status Observation (V2)
Immunization Activity
Immunization Medication Information
Immunization Refusal Reason
Medication Activity
Medication Dispense
Medication Free Text Sig
Medication Information
Medication Supply Order
Planned Observation
Precondition for Substance Administration
Problem Concern Act
Problem Observation
Problem Status
Procedure Activity Procedure
Product Instance
Prognosis Observation
Reaction Observation
Result Observation
Result Organizer
Service Delivery Location
Severity Observation
Substance Administered Act
Substance or Device Allergy - Intolerance Observation
Vital Sign Observation
Vital Signs Organizer
Procedure Activity Act
Procedure Activity Observation
Social History Observation
Pregnancy Observation
Estimated Date of Delivery
Smoking Status - Meaningful Use
Tobacco Use
Caregiver Characteristics
Cultural and Religious Observation
Characteristics of Home Environment
Encounter Activity
Encounter Diagnosis
Family History Organizer
Family History Observation
Family History Death Observation
Mental Status Organizer
Mental Status Observation
Assessment Scale Observation
Assessment Scale Supporting Observation
Planned Encounter
Planned Act
Planned Procedure
Planned Medication Activity
Planned Supply
Handoff Communication Participants
Nutrition Recommendation
Planned Immunization Activity
Coverage Activity
Nutritional Status Observation
Non-Medicinal Supply Activity
Medical Equipment Organizer
Nutrition Assessment
Policy Activity
Outcome Observation
Intervention Act
Planned Intervention Act
Functional Status Organizer
Functional Status Observation
Progress Toward Goal Observation
Pressure Ulcer Observation (DEPRECATED)
Functional Status Problem Observation (DEPRECATED)
Series Act
Cognitive Status Problem Observation (DEPRECATED)
Sensory Status
Self-Care Activities (ADL and IADL)
Comment Activity
SOP Instance Observation
Purpose of Reference Observation
Referenced Frames Observation
Hospital Admission Diagnosis
Admission Medication
Hospital Discharge Diagnosis
Longitudinal Care Wound Observation
Patient Referral Act
Boundary Observation
Wound Measurement Observation
Wound Characteristic
Number of Pressure Ulcers Observation
Highest Pressure Ulcer Stage
US Realm Date and Time (DT.US.FIELDED)
Physician Reading Study Performer (V2)
Physician of Record Participant (V2)
Fetus Subject Context
Text Observation
Code Observations
Quantity Measurement Observation
Study Act
Observer Context
Procedure Context
Postprocedure Diagnosis (V3)
Preoperative Diagnosis (V3)
Health Concern Act (V2)
Risk Concern Act (V2)
Discharge Medication (V3)
Deceased Observation (V3)
US Realm Header for Patient Generated Document (V2)

Participation & Other Templates

The participation and other templates chapter contains templates for CDA participations (e.g., author, performer), and other fielded items (e.g., address, name) that cannot stand on their own without being nested in another template.

Author Participation
Planned Coverage
Priority Preference
US Realm Address (AD.US.FIELDED)
US Realm Date and Time (DTM.US.FIELDED)
US Realm Patient Name (PTN.US.FIELDED)
US Realm Person Name (PN.US.FIELDED)